Recruiting and Sales Jobs in Japan

This is what you do when you’re done teaching English.  You recruit other people to teach English.  “Training” may also be part of the job, which is where you take a group of jet-lagged college grads whose last job was scooping ice cream and explain to them the intricacies of teaching English in a day and a half.  Poof, now you’re qualified—good luck!

Recruiters may also fill other positions, working on commission.  Textbook sales is another variation on this theme, as is importing used cars to Okinawa and selling Chinese Rolexes on the street.  These jobs are generally not available from overseas, and most of the people who do them seem to wear faded suits and sweat profusely.  I don’t like to sweat, as it messes up my hair, so I ruled out this category as well.